Sunday, September 15, 2013

Crystal Chandeliers: The Most Preferred Lighting Fixture

In olden times, chandeliers made a name for themselves and have stuck on even today, in the present. Once a room has been installed with chandeliers, they always look more impressive and astounding than ones without them. Chandeliers never fail to stand out, with its wonderful lighting it is always noticed by the first person to ever walk the room. With the tasteful and classy look it has, it always makes the people look up without second thoughts so they do not just end up looking at the room at pure eye level.

Chandeliers come in a variety of styles, shapes and sizes, but the most commonly used today are the crystal chandeliers.

These crystal chandeliers have been used since the 16th century because of the elegance it provides, rather than its lighting function to show off just how wealthy a family is. They would make large chandeliers with more extravagant crystals just to prove how wealthy they are. The person behind the most distinguished crystal chandeliers was Louis XIV of France. He wanted an extravagant and sophisticated lighting fixture to go along with the well-designed ornate building he had in mind to build, which is why drop down crystal chandeliers have been born. Because of this remarkable man, these crystal chandeliers can now be found in all parts of the world and come in various shades and sizes to suit your preferences. Many people dream of becoming royals, and now they can be able to achieve this with these affluent drop down crystal chandeliers.

When you order chandeliers, you have to have a background knowledge on the different types of crystals that are available in the market.

There is also a variety of shades available like: amber, blue, green, pink, red, purple, aqua and black - but the most popular shade of all is clear. Crystal chandeliers are very heavy, due to the crystals attached and each crystal weighs depending on the size and color chosen.

Crystals in the chandeliers are not only good for reflecting light, but they also add the elegance and class to these chandeliers. These crystals have indentations in them, which are the ones responsible for the prism color spectrum you see when you look at them closely. Chandeliers can go in any room of the house without failing to make heads turn to the ceiling and bring out the awe in these visitors faces when they walk in a room. These crystal chandeliers have always been in the lime light and will continue to be in it even in the future, because true class can never go out of date. If you want to find out more information on lights and fixtures, go here.
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